Wednesday, 8 September 2010

So much to do, so little time...

It's now 2 minutes to 1 am here, and I need to wake up early enough to get my baby to nursery by 9 tomorrow, and be awake enough to be absolutely amazing for my interview tomorrow at a herbalist shop n a nearby city. I REALLY want that job. I also really need that job...I want to learn herbal medicine and make my own medicines, soaps, lotions etc...well, I do already, but I want the degree! And, in order to do that, I need money. And I am NOT going to work as a dishwasher again, no matter how desperate I get, so really, I should go to bed. So I don't sleep in and blow it....buuut....there are project diaries I want to post, graphics I want to design, my art quilt, velvet pirate coat, and ghawazhee coats all begging to be made....and I am still lazing around on the computer playing City of Wonder on facebook and doing nothing particularly progressive. So I'm going to bed. Soon. Ooh, another thing, I got my first 3 followers today! And my first comment! Thanks Lisa! Awesome. I have a real blog now. And earlier this evening, my daughter was screaming bloody murder. So I put her in the bath. Even louder screaming. So, I wracked my aching brain for a solution and my eye happened to rest on my little pots of glitter. You can guess what happened next. What I didn't realize, was how hard they'd be to get off of baby skin later. So she's going to be very sparkly tomorrow. At least the screaming stopped and she enjoyed playing with glitter water for 16.5 blissful minutes. Until she got bored. Ahh toddlers....
And later, there was even more glitter as I decided to give her some craft supplies. She insisted on doing her project all by herself, every time I tried to help I was pushed out of the way and told ''NO!'' Adorable, she was so proud of herself, she called downstairs for her daddy then ran and showed him the picture the second he appeared at the bottom of the stairs! I'm so proud of her!!!
This is what I'd call mixed media art. Silk flower petals, stickers, leather, a feather, glue, watercolours, stamps, and yes, LOTS more glitter. Boy did she have fun shaking out what looked like a half ounce of glitter all over the paper...

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