Sunday, 26 September 2010

On the subject of wands...

Does anyone want to get me this for my birthday? Or Christmas? Because now THIS is a wand I could use!!! I saw this about a month ago and have practically been drooling over it ever since. This is a seriously, awesomely, witchy gadget!

It's called the Kymera Magic Wand, and it is basically a programmable remote control, in the shape of a wand!

It comes with this awesome box, and a sweet little instruction manual in a most unusual shape..
I have yet to see if anyone has bought it, and figured out how to use it...

So totally cool!!!


  1. Oh, and btw, I have added myself as a follower of your blog, absolutely STUNNING photographs! I wish you were near me I'd beg for you to photograph my products!
